So the Rhodies are all trying to bloom and the white ones are having trouble deciding if they shall be white or pink from the red one and the cross pollination from all the bee's.
Now of course at least we HAVE bee's as they are disappearing all over the world, the central hub of the bee-dom seems to be here. We have more bee's than flies this spring which is odd. Living next to a dairy, the young flies all seem to pick my back roof over the basement door and my DISH antenna to get warm on. There can be as many as 500 flies on the DISH at once on some days but only about 3 weeks of the year.
They they go wherever flies go and we never see many after that. This year the DISH is bee heaven. Bee's of all sorts, honey, bumble and yellow jackets seem to have taken up residence on the DISH chasing even the flies away. We can't find a nest (well......maybe I haven't tried hard because I don't want to piss them off)
So if scientists want to study bee's they are welcome to come study! What I wish is they would stay the hell out of my TRUCK. Now mind you they have 7 acres to do whatever bee's do but they seem to want to build a nest on the inside of my drivers door. Now WHY don't the pick on Kev's truck is bee.....yond me!
I have tried to discourage this behavior but I am allergic to the little creeps and they are quite good at defending their nest. I am trying to co-exist with the little buggers but my patience is wearing thin. When they chase me away from the truck I get a little testy. The sight of a large woman running for the hills when they all fly out and me flinging whatever I have in my hand at them, then THEY tend to get testy. Now Kev says he would gladly defend my honor (yeah right) but he doesn't to piss them off either! OK, so I see his point.
I am sure if someone had a video camera they would have a $100,000 dollar video! Kind of like the time I rode the goat down the pasture backwards but I digress.............. Whoever said it so peaceful in the country...........................BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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