So we are finishing up some yard work and two of the dogs had a stick there were both carrying at the same time. The Bulldog Kashi runs over and tried to grab the stick away from them and Suzie (the hound mix) grabs him in the end of the ear. Split down the middle. He screamed and took off running with husband in hot pursuit. Now husband is physically fit and light on his feet but trying to catch a screaming Bulldog is quite the chore even for him. I ran and opened the back door hoping he would run inside and then I got the food dish and rattled the food.
SUCCESS! Here he comes running for me with husband in hot pursuit. Now lets remember that we have 2 ½ acres fenced for the us and the dogs so this is a huge area. So up the back stairs and into his crate. Husband scooped him up and we put him on the grooming table. He has a tear in his ear about ½ inch deep but the sides are still intact so I think to myself I can solve this by gluing it together and keeping him quiet. OK let me tell you from now personal experience. If you have dog with an ear split, skip over the next procedures and go directly to the emergency vet.
I figured I had the expertise to do this and it might have worked IF he would not have kept shaking his bloody head! I would glue it and get the bleeding stop, he would shake and fling the scab off. Each time this happened…..oh say 12 times there was enough blood to cover the earth. Shaking of the head produces a LOT of blood so there was blood all over us, all over the walls, all over the floor and anything else within 20 meters. Now this is our dog/laundry room and we have just remodeled a lot of stuff and BLOOD was not necessarily a color I had considered. We had painted the walls white for the time being until I decided.
After doing this for an hour I decided to just take him in and get the things stitched up so off we ran to the vet (by this time it was 10:30 and of course we got the night rate! Then we had blood all over the truck. All over the vets office and all over the vet who Kashi was licking her glasses while she tried to put in the stitches. Nothing like trying to see to do detailed stitching while you are trying to see through your licked glasses. She said she needed windshield wipers.
So now he has stitches and a bandage over one side of his head to hold the ear flat to his head and now he is REALLY shaking his head.
So as we were driving home I told husband that I hoped none of the neighbors came by looking for us and came into the back room and saw all that blood and some on the outside of the house and the ground leading to the where the truck is usually parked. I SURE they would have been comments as to what the hell and where are they!
So today in between working and everything else I have to figure out how to get now dried blood, off the white walls and the inside of the back of my truck!
Welcome to the State of Chaos, boarded on one side by the State of Confusion and flanked on the other side by the State of Bedlam!
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