Kev speaks
You know the old story of sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you? Well, that story came to life at work this last couple of months and some might remember from the old blog the story of me catching this 800 pd black bear and releasing him up further on the mountain, however he seems to have found his way back!
Now this guy was a bugger to catch in the first place, it took us about 60 days to get him into a trap the first time and NOW he wasn't about to go in that trap for anything and he certainly was harassing campers and rummaging for food. He is also very sneaky. Not to many have actually SEEN him just the remments of what was once a weekend food supply.
Most people tend to leave foodstuffs in coolers and Bags in vehicles or there tent. He has also shredded a screen on a campers RV and had himself a field day.
So all this means that we have to catch him before he actually hurts someone who think that he can fend off a bear. Never challenge a Bear. Move away slowly (upwind if possible) and avoid direct eye contact or anything a bear can interrupt as aggressive. If you have food on you try throwing it on the trail (not at the bear) or an article of clothing so as to distract said bear. Move away slowly and leave them alone. NEVER lay down and play dead as you soon will be with a bear.
So as I am driving toward where the last sighting has been I stop and get myself coffee and an a apple filled bear claw (no pun intended)……….and as I am driving away from the store a thought hits me. (believe it or not I do have them from time to time)
Why not use donuts as a lure into the bear cage? So I drive back and get a dozen of the biggest freshest smelling gooey donuts I can get. Drove me crazy for the 25 miles I had to go into the woods and to say the WHOLE dozen made it to the site would mean I could trip over my nose when I said it!
So at the site I explain the idea to the crew who by now think I have completely lost my mind. We really cover up the trap with all kinds of downed tree limbs and branches, put what was left of the dozen donuts in the cage and spray cover spray all the way back to our vehicles. The sugary smell was intoxicating even in the woods.
Then we all left and went to check on a few other things and came back only to find said donuts had been scooped out of the trap and gone…….RATS!
About an hour later on of the crew calls and said "HEY Guys come over hear, you never going to believe this!" So off we all went and this is what we came upon. The bear upside down, paws in the air asleep!
We were all laughing and I loaded up the dart rifle and we tranquilized this poor guy and drug him into the cage.
This time we took him up around Mt. Rainer to let him go and if he finds his way back this time? Good question!
1 comment:
OMG that is one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen, talk about a food coma!!
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